Who we are

At The Lice Spa, we know that discovering lice can feel overwhelming—but we’re here to change that. Lice infestations are common and nothing to be embarrassed about. With our expert lice removal services, you'll experience immediate calm, relief, and understanding from the moment you arrive.

Located at 92 Worcester Road in Framingham (near Jordan’s Furniture). We specialize in discreet, non-toxic, and highly effective lice removal using the world-renowned Shepherd Method. This meticulous, strand-by-strand technique ensures every nit and louse is removed, so you can move forward with total confidence.

📞 Text or call us today at ‪(774) 231-8053‬ or complete the form below to schedule your in-home lice removal!

Schedule an appointment

Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. Most appointments are same day or within 24 hours.